UML Distilled (3rd Edition)

In September 2003, the 3rd edition of UML Distilled appeared. To keep up to date with the UML, you should get the new edition as it is compatible with the latest UML 2 standard. For people who have the 2nd edition, I will keep the errata for the 2nd edition available.

Errors in 18th and later printings

Page 69: In figure 5.5, the derivation formula should read “{length = end - start}”

Errors in the 11th thru 18th printing

Page 42: First paragraph, second line. “property owner:Person[1]” should read “property owner:Person[0..1]” (From 11th to 17th editions it was miscorrected to “Person[/0../1]”.) [Corrected in the 18th printing]

Page 69: In figure 5.5, the derivation formula should read “{length = end - start}”

Errors in the 8th thru 11th printing

Page 42: First paragraph, second line. “property owner:Person[1]” should read “property owner:Person[0..1]” (From 11th to 17th editions it was miscorrected to “Person[/0../1]”.) [Corrected in the 18th printing]

Page 69: In figure 5.5, the derivation formula should read “{length = end - start}”

Page 123: Append to the first paragraph. “I'm using a single activity final here, this means the same as two separate icons (i.e. there's no implicit join for activity finals).” [Corrected in the 11th printing]

Errors in the 7th printing

Page inside front left cover: In the seventh printing there is a printing error where the inside left cover has been lost with a copy of the right cover. Here is a pdf of the correct inside front left cover. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page inside rear cover: The nodes in the example activity diagram should be named action instead of activity. They should also have straight sides with rounded corners instead of curved sides. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page inside rear cover: In the state diagram example, all uses of the word “action” should be replaced by “activity”. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 10: Paragraph 1, line 3: “UML and a programming language” should read “UML as a programming language” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 16: Paragraph 4, last line: “don't seem be useful” should read “don't seem to be useful”. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 27: Paragraph 5, fifth line: “diagram a proxy, although useful, is not as useful...” should read “diagram a proxy. Although this is useful it is not as useful...” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 30: First paragraph, last line: “anything that specific” should read “anything that is specific”. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 39: In the code at the end the line “private Order order;” should be deleted. (There's no navigability from order line to order in fig 3.1 so there should be no field). For the same reason in code at the top of page 40 the line “public Order order;” should also be deleted. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 42: First paragraph, second line. “property owner:Person[1]” should read “property owner:Person[0..1]” (From 11th to 17th editions it was miscorrected to “Person[/0../1]”.) [Corrected in the 18th printing]

Page 47: In the first paragraph “(the supplier)” should read “(the supplier or target)” and “(the client)” should read “(the client or source)”. The client/supplier vocabulary makes sense for general dependencies, but the more general source/target vocabulary is better for many of the dependencies in Table 3.1. To further confuse issues, I originally put source and target into the errata the wrong way round, so they are there but incorrectly in the 4th thru 7th printings. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 55: At the end of the second line “correspondance” should be “correspondence” (spelling) [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 59: First paragraph, 4th line: “loop operand” should read “loop operator“. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 59: Second paragraph, second line: “before UML 2 and that use a different approach” should read “before UML 2 and that use a different approach” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 60: 2nd paragraph, last sentence “alternative” is misspelled. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 69: In figure 5.5, the derivation formula should read “{length = end - start}”

Page 79: Third paragraph “ if it where a full class...” should read “ if it were a full class...” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 108: Last line of the third paragraph “event with the door closed” should read “event with the door open“. (I really made a spectacular screw-up of open and closed doors in that example. If it were my castle I'd be rabbit food by now. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 110: First paragraph, second sentance. “...any transitions without an activity...” should read “...any transitions without an event...” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 113: In Fig 10.6 the line of code that reads “if (isDoorOpen) {” should read “if (isDoorClosed) {” { [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 123: Append to the first paragraph. “I'm using a single activity final here, this means the same as two separate icons (i.e. there's no implicit join for activity finals).” [Corrected in the 11th printing]

Page 131: First paragrpah, line 4: “as the sequence diagrams does” should read “as the sequence diagrams does” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 132: In both figures on this diagram the nodes are shown as round-cornered rectangles. They should be square cornered rectangles [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 140: In figure 14.2 the delegation connectors should be solid lines, not dashed. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 148: The figure caption should read “Interaction Overview Diagram”. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 152: First paragraph, second line “1.5 in 2002” should read “1.5 in 2003“. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 157: The last sentence of the top paragraph “Future versions of the UML...” should be deleted. Activity diagrams did change with UML 2.0 as discussed later in this chapter. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 159: First paragraph of activity diagrams section: “...UML 2 had to keep to.” should read “...UML 1 had to keep to.” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Errors in the 4th thru 7th printing

Page inside front left cover: In the seventh printing there is a printing error where the inside left cover has been lost with a copy of the right cover. Here is a pdf of the correct inside front left cover. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page inside rear cover: The nodes in the example activity diagram should be named action instead of activity. They should also have straight sides with rounded corners instead of curved sides. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page inside rear cover: In the state diagram example, all uses of the word “action” should be replaced by “activity”. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 10: Paragraph 1, line 3: “UML and a programming language” should read “UML as a programming language” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 16: Paragraph 4, last line: “don't seem be useful” should read “don't seem to be useful”. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 27: Paragraph 5, fifth line: “diagram a proxy, although useful, is not as useful...” should read “diagram a proxy. Although this is useful it is not as useful...” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 30: First paragraph, last line: “anything that specific” should read “anything that is specific”. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 39: In the code at the end the line “private Order order;” should be deleted. (There's no navigability from order line to order in fig 3.1 so there should be no field). For the same reason in code at the top of page 40 the line “public Order order;” should also be deleted. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 42: First paragraph, second line. “property owner:Person[1]” should read “property owner:Person[0..1]” (From 11th to 17th editions it was miscorrected to “Person[/0../1]”.) [Corrected in the 18th printing]

Page 47: In the first paragraph “(the supplier)” should read “(the supplier or target)” and “(the client)” should read “(the client or source)”. The client/supplier vocabulary makes sense for general dependencies, but the more general source/target vocabulary is better for many of the dependencies in Table 3.1. To further confuse issues, I originally put source and target into the errata the wrong way round, so they are there but incorrectly in the 4th thru 7th printings. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 55: At the end of the second line “correspondance” should be “correspondence” (spelling) [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 59: First paragraph, 4th line: “loop operand” should read “loop operator“. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 59: Second paragraph, second line: “before UML 2 and that use a different approach” should read “before UML 2 and that use a different approach” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 60: 2nd paragraph, last sentence “alternative” is misspelled. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 69: In figure 5.5, the derivation formula should read “{length = end - start}”

Page 71: Fig 5.7. After bug-fix changes were made in the UML specification, you now cannot 'mate' ball and sockets for classes. See the discussion on my bliki. [Corrected in the 7th printing]

Page 79: Third paragraph “ if it where a full class...” should read “ if it were a full class...” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 108: Last line of the third paragraph “event with the door closed” should read “event with the door open“. (I really made a spectacular screw-up of open and closed doors in that example. If it were my castle I'd be rabbit food by now. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 110: First paragraph, second sentance. “...any transitions without an activity...” should read “...any transitions without an event...” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 113: In Fig 10.6 the line of code that reads “if (isDoorOpen) {” should read “if (isDoorClosed) {” { [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 114: In fig 10.7 the line of code in the note for the WaitState class box that currently reads “if (door open) {” should read “if (isDoorClosed) {” [Corrected in the 7th printing]

Page 114: In table 10.1, first row the guard “Door open” should read “Door closed”. [Corrected in the 7th printing]

Page 123: Append to the first paragraph. “I'm using a single activity final here, this means the same as two separate icons (i.e. there's no implicit join for activity finals).” [Corrected in the 11th printing]

Page 131: First paragrpah, line 4: “as the sequence diagrams does” should read “as the sequence diagrams does” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 132: In both figures on this diagram the nodes are shown as round-cornered rectangles. They should be square cornered rectangles [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 140: In figure 14.2 the delegation connectors should be solid lines, not dashed. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 140: Fig 14.2. After some bug-fix corrections to the UML specification it's no longer legal to mate ball and socket connectors on classes. See the discussion on my bliki. [Corrected in the 7th printing]

Page 148: The figure caption should read “Interaction Overview Diagram”. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 152: First paragraph, second line “1.5 in 2002” should read “1.5 in 2003“. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 157: The last sentence of the top paragraph “Future versions of the UML...” should be deleted. Activity diagrams did change with UML 2.0 as discussed later in this chapter. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 159: First paragraph of activity diagrams section: “...UML 2 had to keep to.” should read “...UML 1 had to keep to.” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Errors in the 3rd printing

Page inside front left cover: In the seventh printing there is a printing error where the inside left cover has been lost with a copy of the right cover. Here is a pdf of the correct inside front left cover. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page inside rear cover: The nodes in the example activity diagram should be named action instead of activity. They should also have straight sides with rounded corners instead of curved sides. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page inside rear cover: In the state diagram example, all uses of the word “action” should be replaced by “activity”. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 10: Paragraph 1, line 3: “UML and a programming language” should read “UML as a programming language” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 16: Paragraph 4, last line: “don't seem be useful” should read “don't seem to be useful”. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 27: Paragraph 5, fifth line: “diagram a proxy, although useful, is not as useful...” should read “diagram a proxy. Although this is useful it is not as useful...” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 30: First paragraph, last line: “anything that specific” should read “anything that is specific”. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 39: In the code at the end the line “private Order order;” should be deleted. (There's no navigability from order line to order in fig 3.1 so there should be no field). For the same reason in code at the top of page 40 the line “public Order order;” should also be deleted. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 42: First paragraph, second line. “property owner:Person[1]” should read “property owner:Person[0..1]” (From 11th to 17th editions it was miscorrected to “Person[/0../1]”.) [Corrected in the 18th printing]

Page 47: In the first paragraph “(the supplier)” should read “(the supplier or target)” and “(the client)” should read “(the client or source)”. The client/supplier vocabulary makes sense for general dependencies, but the more general source/target vocabulary is better for many of the dependencies in Table 3.1. To further confuse issues, I originally put source and target into the errata the wrong way round, so they are there but incorrectly in the 4th thru 7th printings. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 55: At the end of the second line “correspondance” should be “correspondence” (spelling) [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 59: First paragraph, 4th line: “loop operand” should read “loop operator“. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 59: Second paragraph, second line: “before UML 2 and that use a different approach” should read “before UML 2 and that use a different approach” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 60: 2nd paragraph, last sentence “alternative” is misspelled. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 69: In figure 5.5, the derivation formula should read “{length = end - start}”

Page 71: Fig 5.7. After bug-fix changes were made in the UML specification, you now cannot 'mate' ball and sockets for classes. See the discussion on my bliki. [Corrected in the 7th printing]

Page 79: Third paragraph “ if it where a full class...” should read “ if it were a full class...” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 108: Last line of the third paragraph “event with the door closed” should read “event with the door open“. (I really made a spectacular screw-up of open and closed doors in that example. If it were my castle I'd be rabbit food by now. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 110: First paragraph, second sentance. “...any transitions without an activity...” should read “...any transitions without an event...” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 113: In Fig 10.6 the line of code that reads “if (isDoorOpen) {” should read “if (isDoorClosed) {” { [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 114: In fig 10.7 the line of code in the note for the WaitState class box that currently reads “if (door open) {” should read “if (isDoorClosed) {” [Corrected in the 7th printing]

Page 114: In table 10.1, first row the guard “Door open” should read “Door closed”. [Corrected in the 7th printing]

Page 123: Append to the first paragraph. “I'm using a single activity final here, this means the same as two separate icons (i.e. there's no implicit join for activity finals).” [Corrected in the 11th printing]

Page 131: In two places on this page “Figure 4.2” should read “Figure 4.1” [Corrected in the 4th printing]

Page 131: First paragrpah, line 4: “as the sequence diagrams does” should read “as the sequence diagrams does” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 132: In both figures on this diagram the nodes are shown as round-cornered rectangles. They should be square cornered rectangles [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 140: In figure 14.2 the delegation connectors should be solid lines, not dashed. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 140: Fig 14.2. After some bug-fix corrections to the UML specification it's no longer legal to mate ball and socket connectors on classes. See the discussion on my bliki. [Corrected in the 7th printing]

Page 148: The figure caption should read “Interaction Overview Diagram”. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 152: First paragraph, second line “1.5 in 2002” should read “1.5 in 2003“. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 157: The last sentence of the top paragraph “Future versions of the UML...” should be deleted. Activity diagrams did change with UML 2.0 as discussed later in this chapter. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 159: First paragraph of activity diagrams section: “...UML 2 had to keep to.” should read “...UML 1 had to keep to.” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Errors in the 2nd printing

Page inside front left cover: In the seventh printing there is a printing error where the inside left cover has been lost with a copy of the right cover. Here is a pdf of the correct inside front left cover. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page inside rear cover: The nodes in the example activity diagram should be named action instead of activity. They should also have straight sides with rounded corners instead of curved sides. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page inside rear cover: In the state diagram example, all uses of the word “action” should be replaced by “activity”. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 10: Paragraph 1, line 3: “UML and a programming language” should read “UML as a programming language” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 12: In figure 1.2 the line connecting Composite Structure Diagram to the generalization structure is missing. [Corrected in the 3rd printing]

Page 16: Paragraph 4, last line: “don't seem be useful” should read “don't seem to be useful”. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 27: Paragraph 5, fifth line: “diagram a proxy, although useful, is not as useful...” should read “diagram a proxy. Although this is useful it is not as useful...” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 30: First paragraph, last line: “anything that specific” should read “anything that is specific”. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 39: In the code at the end the line “private Order order;” should be deleted. (There's no navigability from order line to order in fig 3.1 so there should be no field). For the same reason in code at the top of page 40 the line “public Order order;” should also be deleted. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 42: First paragraph, second line. “property owner:Person[1]” should read “property owner:Person[0..1]” (From 11th to 17th editions it was miscorrected to “Person[/0../1]”.) [Corrected in the 18th printing]

Page 47: In the first paragraph “(the supplier)” should read “(the supplier or target)” and “(the client)” should read “(the client or source)”. The client/supplier vocabulary makes sense for general dependencies, but the more general source/target vocabulary is better for many of the dependencies in Table 3.1. To further confuse issues, I originally put source and target into the errata the wrong way round, so they are there but incorrectly in the 4th thru 7th printings. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 55: At the end of the second line “correspondance” should be “correspondence” (spelling) [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 59: First paragraph, 4th line: “loop operand” should read “loop operator“. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 59: Second paragraph, second line: “before UML 2 and that use a different approach” should read “before UML 2 and that use a different approach” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 60: 2nd paragraph, last sentence “alternative” is misspelled. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 69: In figure 5.5, the derivation formula should read “{length = end - start}”

Page 71: Fig 5.7. After bug-fix changes were made in the UML specification, you now cannot 'mate' ball and sockets for classes. See the discussion on my bliki. [Corrected in the 7th printing]

Page 79: Third paragraph “ if it where a full class...” should read “ if it were a full class...” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 108: On the third line “providing the door is open” should read “providing the door is closed“ [Corrected in the 3rd printing]

Page 108: Last line of the third paragraph “event with the door closed” should read “event with the door open“. (I really made a spectacular screw-up of open and closed doors in that example. If it were my castle I'd be rabbit food by now. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 110: First paragraph, second sentance. “...any transitions without an activity...” should read “...any transitions without an event...” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 113: In Fig 10.6 the line of code that reads “if (isDoorOpen) {” should read “if (isDoorClosed) {” { [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 114: In fig 10.7 the line of code in the note for the WaitState class box that currently reads “if (door open) {” should read “if (isDoorClosed) {” [Corrected in the 7th printing]

Page 114: In table 10.1, first row the guard “Door open” should read “Door closed”. [Corrected in the 7th printing]

Page 123: Append to the first paragraph. “I'm using a single activity final here, this means the same as two separate icons (i.e. there's no implicit join for activity finals).” [Corrected in the 11th printing]

Page 125: Second paragraph, last sentence: “on the output pin query that supplies” should read “on the output pin parameter that supplies” [Corrected in the 3rd printing]

Page 131: In two places on this page “Figure 4.2” should read “Figure 4.1” [Corrected in the 4th printing]

Page 131: First paragrpah, line 4: “as the sequence diagrams does” should read “as the sequence diagrams does” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 132: In both figures on this diagram the nodes are shown as round-cornered rectangles. They should be square cornered rectangles [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 140: In figure 14.2 the delegation connectors should be solid lines, not dashed. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 140: Fig 14.2. After some bug-fix corrections to the UML specification it's no longer legal to mate ball and socket connectors on classes. See the discussion on my bliki. [Corrected in the 7th printing]

Page 143: In the fifth paragraph, first sentence, the words “collaboration occurrence” should be in bold. [Corrected in the 3rd printing]

Page 148: The figure caption should read “Interaction Overview Diagram”. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 152: First paragraph, second line “1.5 in 2002” should read “1.5 in 2003“. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 157: The last sentence of the top paragraph “Future versions of the UML...” should be deleted. Activity diagrams did change with UML 2.0 as discussed later in this chapter. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 159: First paragraph of activity diagrams section: “...UML 2 had to keep to.” should read “...UML 1 had to keep to.” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Errors in the 1st printing

Page inside front left cover: In the seventh printing there is a printing error where the inside left cover has been lost with a copy of the right cover. Here is a pdf of the correct inside front left cover. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page inside front right cover: On the box marked composite structures, the delegation connectors should be solid lines not dashed. [Corrected in the 2nd printing]

Page inside rear cover: The nodes in the example activity diagram should be named action instead of activity. They should also have straight sides with rounded corners instead of curved sides. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page inside rear cover: In the state diagram example, all uses of the word “action” should be replaced by “activity”. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 10: Paragraph 1, line 3: “UML and a programming language” should read “UML as a programming language” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 12: In figure 1.2 the line connecting Composite Structure Diagram to the generalization structure is missing. [Corrected in the 3rd printing]

Page 16: Paragraph 4, last line: “don't seem be useful” should read “don't seem to be useful”. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 27: Paragraph 5, fifth line: “diagram a proxy, although useful, is not as useful...” should read “diagram a proxy. Although this is useful it is not as useful...” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 30: First paragraph, last line: “anything that specific” should read “anything that is specific”. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 39: In the code at the end the line “private Order order;” should be deleted. (There's no navigability from order line to order in fig 3.1 so there should be no field). For the same reason in code at the top of page 40 the line “public Order order;” should also be deleted. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 42: First paragraph, second line. “property owner:Person[1]” should read “property owner:Person[0..1]” (From 11th to 17th editions it was miscorrected to “Person[/0../1]”.) [Corrected in the 18th printing]

Page 47: In the first paragraph “(the supplier)” should read “(the supplier or target)” and “(the client)” should read “(the client or source)”. The client/supplier vocabulary makes sense for general dependencies, but the more general source/target vocabulary is better for many of the dependencies in Table 3.1. To further confuse issues, I originally put source and target into the errata the wrong way round, so they are there but incorrectly in the 4th thru 7th printings. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 55: At the end of the second line “correspondance” should be “correspondence” (spelling) [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 59: First paragraph, 4th line: “loop operand” should read “loop operator“. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 59: Second paragraph, second line: “before UML 2 and that use a different approach” should read “before UML 2 and that use a different approach” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 60: 2nd paragraph, last sentence “alternative” is misspelled. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 67: In figure 5.1, the arrows between the classes should be dashed lines since they are dependencies. [Corrected in the 2nd printing]

Page 69: In figure 5.5, the derivation formula should read “{length = end - start}”

Page 71: Fig 5.7. After bug-fix changes were made in the UML specification, you now cannot 'mate' ball and sockets for classes. See the discussion on my bliki. [Corrected in the 7th printing]

Page 73: In figure 5.9, all the message arrowheads should use a filled black synchronous arrowhead rather than the stick arrowhead. Furthermore the participants at the top should not have their names underlined. (I suppose since this is a non-normative diagram I could rationalize this away, but I should stick as close to the standard as I can and correct even the backward incompatible changes. [Corrected in the 2nd printing]

Page 79: Third paragraph “ if it where a full class...” should read “ if it were a full class...” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 108: On the third line “providing the door is open” should read “providing the door is closed“ [Corrected in the 3rd printing]

Page 108: Last line of the third paragraph “event with the door closed” should read “event with the door open“. (I really made a spectacular screw-up of open and closed doors in that example. If it were my castle I'd be rabbit food by now. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 110: First paragraph, second sentance. “...any transitions without an activity...” should read “...any transitions without an event...” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 113: In Fig 10.6 the line of code that reads “if (isDoorOpen) {” should read “if (isDoorClosed) {” { [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 114: In fig 10.7 the line of code in the note for the WaitState class box that currently reads “if (door open) {” should read “if (isDoorClosed) {” [Corrected in the 7th printing]

Page 114: In table 10.1, first row the guard “Door open” should read “Door closed”. [Corrected in the 7th printing]

Page 123: Append to the first paragraph. “I'm using a single activity final here, this means the same as two separate icons (i.e. there's no implicit join for activity finals).” [Corrected in the 11th printing]

Page 125: Second paragraph, last sentence: “on the output pin query that supplies” should read “on the output pin parameter that supplies” [Corrected in the 3rd printing]

Page 131: In two places on this page “Figure 4.2” should read “Figure 4.1” [Corrected in the 4th printing]

Page 131: First paragrpah, line 4: “as the sequence diagrams does” should read “as the sequence diagrams does” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 132: In both figures on this diagram the nodes are shown as round-cornered rectangles. They should be square cornered rectangles [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 135: Fifth paragraph, the phrase “delegating connector” should be replaced by “delegation connector” in two places. [Corrected in the 2nd printing]

Page 136: In figure 13.2, the delegation connectors should be solid lines, not dashed. Also the label “delegating connector” should be changed to “delegation connector”. [Corrected in the 2nd printing]

Page 140: In figure 14.2 the delegation connectors should be solid lines, not dashed. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 140: Fig 14.2. After some bug-fix corrections to the UML specification it's no longer legal to mate ball and socket connectors on classes. See the discussion on my bliki. [Corrected in the 7th printing]

Page 143: Fifth paragraph, first sentence: “When you use a collaboration, you can show that by placing...” should read “When you use a collaboration, you can show you're using one by placing...” [Corrected in the 2nd printing]

Page 143: In the fifth paragraph, first sentence, the words “collaboration occurrence” should be in bold. [Corrected in the 3rd printing]

Page 148: The figure caption should read “Interaction Overview Diagram”. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 152: First paragraph, second line “1.5 in 2002” should read “1.5 in 2003“. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 157: The last sentence of the top paragraph “Future versions of the UML...” should be deleted. Activity diagrams did change with UML 2.0 as discussed later in this chapter. [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Page 159: First paragraph of activity diagrams section: “...UML 2 had to keep to.” should read “...UML 1 had to keep to.” [Corrected in the 8th printing]

Many thanks to Po-Chun Chang, Daniel Gustafsson Ivanov, Steven Rosenthal, Odd Lindahl, Zvezdan Petkovic, Hanyuda Eiiti, Perdita Stevens, Karl Dickson, Eric Gentry, Bran Selic, David Wincelberg, Don Stephens, Vladimir Garmaev, Jan Jurjens, Olivier Chambard, Dan Drillich, Jim Wanner, Magnus Vesterlund, and Marcus Pricefor spotting and telling me about these errors