Refactoring to an Adaptive Model

Most of our software logic is written in our programming languages, these give us the best environment to write and evolve such logic. But there are circumstances when it's useful to move that logic into a data structure that our imperative code can interpret - what I refer to as an adaptive model. Here I'll show some product selection logic in JavaScript and show how it can be refactored to a simple production rule system encoded in JSON. This JSON data allows us to share this selection logic between devices using different programming languages and to update this logic without updating the code on these devices.

19 November 2015

I recently did some consulting for the Hellenic Potions Corporation based in Atlantis. They are developing software applications to help potion brewers make effective potions. One aspect of good potion brewing is to get the right varieties of ingredients in your potion recipe. For example a certain recipe of flying potion requires the wings of a cricket, but different breeds of cricket are best in different circumstances. The software can recommend which breeds are best in certain circumstances, but the question is how that logic should be encoded.

Since this software team is a cool team, their server-side software runs on node.js. But potion brewing is a messy industrial process - Stymphalian Birds really mess with the wifi. So they need to run the breed recommendation logic on the client, and support mobile apps for both IOS and Android. The trouble is that this led to awkward duplication - the same logic was duplicated between JavaScript, Swift, and Java. Changing it was a labor in its own right, not just does all the code need to be changed in sync, you also have to deal with the App store, and even a pet minotaur makes little impression in Cupertino.

One option would be to run the javascript version of the logic on each device and use the mechanisms to run code in web views. But another option is to refactor the recommendation logic to data - what I refer to as an Adaptive Model. This allows us to encode the logic in a JSON data structure, which can be easily moved around and loaded into different device software. Applications can check to see if the logic has been updated and download a new version quickly after every change.

Starting Code

Here's the sample of recommendation logic I'll use as the example for refactoring.


  export default function (spec) {
    let result = [];
    if (spec.atNight) result.push("whispering death");
    if (spec.seasons && spec.seasons.includes("winter")) result.push("beefy");
    if (spec.seasons && spec.seasons.includes("summer")) {
      if (["sparta", "atlantis"].includes( result.push("white lightening");
    if (spec.minDuration >= 150) {
      if (spec.seasons && spec.seasons.includes("summer")) {
        if (spec.minDuration < 350) result.push("white lightening");
        else if (spec.minDuration < 570) result.push("little master");
        else result.push("wall");
      else {
        if (spec.minDuration < 450) result.push("white lightening");
        else result.push("little master");
    return _.uniq(result);

This example is in JavaScript, EcmaScript 6

The function takes a spec, a simple object that contains information about how the potion will be used. The logic then interrogates the specification adding suggested cricket breeds to the returned result object.

This code has a lot of primitive obsession: cricket breeds, seasons, and countries are all represented with literal strings. I will want to refactor these strings into their own types, but that's a separate refactoring I'll leave for another day.

The Production Rule System pattern

When I'm looking to represent some imperative code with a data structure, my first task is to figure out what kind of model I should use to structure that data. A good choice of model can do much to simplify the logic, indeed there are times when using an adaptive model is worth it when the only reason is to make the logic easier to follow. In the worst case, I have to come up with (and evolve) such a model from scratch, but more often I can start with an existing computational model.

A series of conditionals like this suggests using a Production Rule System, which is a particular computational model that's well suited to being represented in an adaptive model. A production rule system organizes computation through a collection of Production Rules, each of which is structure with two main elements: a condition and an action. The production rule system runs through all the rules, evaluates the condition for each rule, and if the condition returns true, executes the action.

To show the basic way of doing this, I'll explore this approach for the first couple of conditions. Here's the two conditions in their imperative form:


  if (spec.atNight) result.push("whispering death");
  if (spec.seasons && spec.seasons.includes("winter")) result.push("beefy");

I can encode these using a JavaScript data structure of a list of two production rule objects and execute the model with a simple function.


  export default [
      condition: (spec) => spec.atNight,
      action: (result) => result.push("whispering death")
      condition: (spec) => spec.seasons && spec.seasons.includes("winter"),
      action: (result) => result.push("beefy")


  import model from './recommendationModel.es6'
  function executeModel(spec) {
    let result = [];
      .filter((r) => r.condition(spec))
      .forEach((r) => r.action(result));
    return result;

Here you can see the general form of an adaptive model. We have a data structure that contains the particular logic that we need (recommendationModel.es6) together with an engine (executeModel that takes that data structure and executes it.

This adaptive model is a general implementation of production rules. But our production rules are more constrained than that. For a start all of the actions just add the name of cricket breed to the result, so I can simplify to this.


  export default [
      condition: (spec) => spec.atNight,
      result: "whispering death"
      condition: (spec) => spec.seasons && spec.seasons.includes("winter"),
      result: "beefy"


  import model from './recommendationModel.es6'
  function executeModel(spec) {
    let result = [];
      .filter((r) => r.condition(spec))
      .forEach((r) => result.push(r.result));
    return result;

With that, I can further simplify the engine by removing the collecting variable.


  import model from './recommendationModel.es6'
  function executeModel(spec) {
    let result = [];
    return model
      .filter((r) => r.condition(spec))
      .map((r) => r.result);
    return result;

That obvious simplification is nice, but the conditions are still JavaScript code, which won't fit our needs for running in a non JavaScript environment. I'll need to replace the condition code with data I can interpret.

Refactoring the first lines

I shall describe this refactoring episode in two sections. In this first one I'll take these first few (blue) lines and refactor them into production rules. In the second part I'll work on the more awkward nested condition (green).


  export default function (spec) {
    let result = [];
    if (spec.atNight) result.push("whispering death");
    if (spec.seasons && spec.seasons.includes("winter")) result.push("beefy");
    if (spec.seasons && spec.seasons.includes("summer")) {
      if (["sparta", "atlantis"].includes( result.push("white lightening");
    if (spec.minDuration >= 150) {
      if (spec.seasons && spec.seasons.includes("summer")) {
        if (spec.minDuration < 350) result.push("white lightening");
        else if (spec.minDuration < 570) result.push("little master");
        else result.push("wall");
      else {
        if (spec.minDuration < 450) result.push("white lightening");
        else result.push("little master");
    return _.uniq(result);

Representing the night condition in JSON

I'll start with just the first condition, which in the imperative form looks like:


  if (spec.atNight) result.push("whispering death");

I'd like to represent that in JSON as


  [{"condition": "atNight", "result": "whispering death"}]

The first part of making this work is to read the JSON file and make it available to the recommendation logic.


  import fs from 'fs'
  let model;
  export function loadJson() {
    model = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('recommendationModel.json', {encoding: 'utf8'}));
  export default function getModel() {
    return model;

I call loadJson at some point during application initialization. I made getModel so this module can have a default export function, which suits its usage after initialization.

I then need to modify the engine to understand the condition.


  function executeModel(spec) {
    return getModel()
      .filter((r) => isActive(r, spec))
      .map((r) => r.result)
  function isActive(rule, spec) {
    if (rule.condition === 'atNight') return spec.atNight;
    throw new Error("unable to handle " + rule.condition);

Now that I can represent the first condition in JSON, I need to replace that first condition by replacing it with the newborn production rule system.


  export default function (spec) {
    let result = [];
    result = result.concat(executeModel(spec));
    if (spec.atNight) result.push("whispering death");
    if (spec.seasons && spec.seasons.includes("winter")) result.push("beefy");
    if (spec.seasons && spec.seasons.includes("summer")) {
      if (["sparta", "atlantis"].includes( result.push("white lightening");
    //… rest of conditions

Like any refactoring episode, I want to take the smallest steps I can, so I shall replace the smallest chunks of imperative code at time. It's easy to keep the adaptive model and imperative code running side-by-side. With each replacement I run all the tests for this recommendation logic, this is also a good opportunity to review these tests to see how good a job they do. Even when I've moved my logic into data, I will still need tests. The JSON file is data, but should be treated as code: version controlled and tested the same way.

Seasons condition

Next up is the second line of the logic:


  if (spec.seasons && spec.seasons.includes("winter")) result.push("beefy");

The first thing to notice here is that we have a compound condition, but this compound condition is repeated many places in the overall code.


  export default function (spec) {
    let result = [];
    result = result.concat(executeModel(spec));
    if (spec.seasons && spec.seasons.includes("winter")) result.push("beefy");
    if (spec.seasons && spec.seasons.includes("summer")) {
      if (["sparta", "atlantis"].includes( result.push("white lightening");
    if (spec.minDuration >= 150) {
      if (spec.seasons && spec.seasons.includes("summer")) {
        if (spec.minDuration < 350) result.push("white lightening");
        else if (spec.minDuration < 570) result.push("little master");
        else result.push("wall");
      else {
        if (spec.minDuration < 450) result.push("white lightening");
        else result.push("little master");
    return _.uniq(result);

Although this is a compound condition, it's only representing a single intention - the compound nature is because I have to check that the seasons property is present before I can test its contents. Whenever I see something like this, I convulsively reach for Extract Method.


  export default function (spec) {
    let result = [];
    result = result.concat(executeModel(spec));
    if (seasonIncludes(spec, "winter")) result.push("beefy");
    if (seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
      if (["sparta", "atlantis"].includes( result.push("white lightening");
    if (spec.minDuration >= 150) {
      if (seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
        if (spec.minDuration < 350) result.push("white lightening");
        else if (spec.minDuration < 570) result.push("little master");
        else result.push("wall");
      else {
        if (spec.minDuration < 450) result.push("white lightening");
        else result.push("little master");
    return _.uniq(result);
  function seasonIncludes(spec, arg) {
    return spec.seasons && spec.seasons.includes(arg);

With that refactoring done, the second line now becomes a single function with an argument. Representing a function name and arguments in the JSON is a good tactic, as it gives me plenty of flexibility, so I'll try out this.


    {"condition": "atNight", "result": "whispering death"},
    {"condition": "seasonIncludes", "conditionArgs": ["winter"], "result": "beefy"}


  function isActive(rule, spec) {
    if (rule.condition === 'atNight') return spec.atNight;
    if (rule.condition === 'seasonIncludes') return seasonIncludes(spec, rule.conditionArgs[0]);
    throw new Error("unable to handle " + rule.condition);

  export default function (spec) {
    let result = [];
    result = result.concat(executeModel(spec));
    if (seasonIncludes(spec, "winter")) result.push("beefy");
    if (seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
      if (["sparta", "atlantis"].includes( result.push("white lightening");
    if (spec.minDuration >= 150) {
      if (seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
        if (spec.minDuration < 350) result.push("white lightening");
        else if (spec.minDuration < 570) result.push("little master");
        else result.push("wall");
      else {
        if (spec.minDuration < 450) result.push("white lightening");
        else result.push("little master");
    return _.uniq(result);
  function seasonIncludes(spec, arg) {
    return spec.seasons && spec.seasons.includes(arg);
    // remainder of function…

Strictly I could just use a single value for the arg, but functions usually need multiple arguments at some point and it's no great effort to start with an array.

Extracting the country logic

The third condition to work on looks like this


  if (seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
    if (["sparta", "atlantis"].includes( result.push("white lightening");

This introduces a couple of things. Firstly there's a new property of the spec to probe: which country the potion will be used in. Secondly that country test is combined with the existing seasonal test.

I've been carrying out this refactoring by taking conditions one at a time from the top. But I'll now confess I contrived the conditions so that we get a progression of gradually increasing complexity in the conditions. This is good for pedagogic reasons, but it won't be the way typical code appears in the field. I do advocate refactoring one condition at time, gradually building up the expressive power of the adaptive model as I'm doing here. However the best thing is to look through the code and pick fragments of logic to work with, starting with something simple and gradually getting more complicated. This will usually mean that going from top to bottom isn't the easiest way.

With refactoring I like to do one thing at a time, so I'll begin with handling the test for the country. As with the seasons test earlier, I start by extracting the country testing logic into its own function.


  if (seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
    if (countryIncludedIn(spec, ["sparta", "atlantis"])) result.push("white lightening");

  function countryIncludedIn(spec, anArray) {
    return anArray.includes(;

Parameterizing the model

With the previous refactorings, my next step was to extend the JSON rules to incorporate the condition I'm about to move. But for this case I want to first try out handling this countryIncludedIn test on its own, then later combine it with the seasonal test. So far my tests have been similar to.

  it('night only', function() {
    assert.include(recommender({atNight: true}), 'whispering death');

I'm using mocha and chai for my tests

Where I've passed in a spec and run it against the existing recommender logic. But to test the country logic on its own, I need to create and pass in a model that contains the country logic without any additional conditions. I'm not testing my actual recommender model here, but the semantics of some general recommender model. As the code stands, I need to use some kind of Test Double for the model that will allow me to put in a simplified test model.


  function executeModel(spec) {
    return getModel()
      .filter((r) => isActive(r, spec))
      .map((r) => r.result)

Setting up such a test double is do-able, but fiddly, so I prefer to take a different tack. Firstly I'll use Add Parameter so that the model is passed into the engine.


  export default function (spec) {
    let result = [];
    result = result.concat(executeModel(spec, getModel()));
    if (seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
      if (countryIncludedIn(spec, ["sparta", "atlantis"])) result.push("white lightening");
    //… remaining logic

  function executeModel(spec, model) {
    return model
      .filter((r) => isActive(r, spec))
      .map((r) => r.result)

I can then write a test along the lines of this:

  it('night only', function() {
      executeModel({atNight: true}, [{"condition": "atNight", "result": "expected"}]),

With that in place I can now write a test to purely test for the country property.

  it("country", function () {
    const model = [{condition: 'countryIncludedIn', conditionArgs: ['sparta', 'atlantis'], result: 'expected'}];
    expect(executeModel({country: "sparta"}, model)).include("expected");
    expect(executeModel({country: "athens"}, model)).not.include("expected");

And make it pass with


  function isActive(rule, spec) {
    if (rule.condition === 'atNight') return spec.atNight;
    if (rule.condition === 'seasonIncludes') return seasonIncludes(spec, rule.conditionArgs[0]);
    if (rule.condition === 'countryIncludedIn') return rule.conditionArgs.includes(;
    throw new Error("unable to handle " + rule.condition);

Adding a conjunction

Testing for the operating country in the spec isn't all I need to do to handle the third rule:


  if (seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
    if (countryIncludedIn(spec, ["sparta", "atlantis"])) result.push("white lightening");

I also need to deal with nesting of the conditionals. When working with an adaptive model like this, I like to keep the logic limited to simple expressions, nested statements lead to a much more complicated representation. With nested ifs, this is easy as I can refactor the nested ifs to a conjunction.


  if (seasonIncludes(spec, "summer") && countryIncludedIn(spec, ["sparta", "atlantis"]))
    result.push("white lightening");

So now all I need is a conjunction (“and”) function in my engine and I can extend the rule base to cover this case.


    {"condition": "atNight", "result": "whispering death"},
    {"condition": "seasonIncludes", "conditionArgs": ["winter"], "result": "beefy"},
      "condition": "and",
      "conditionArgs": [
        {"condition": "seasonIncludes",    "conditionArgs": ["summer"]},
        {"condition": "countryIncludedIn", "conditionArgs": ["sparta", "atlantis"]}
      "result": "white lightening"


  export default function (spec) {
    let result = [];
    result = result.concat(executeModel(spec, getModel()));
    if (seasonIncludes(spec, "summer") && countryIncludedIn(spec, ["sparta", "atlantis"]))
      result.push("white lightening");
    //… remaining logic

  function isActive(rule, spec) {
    if (rule.condition === 'atNight') return spec.atNight;
    if (rule.condition === 'seasonIncludes') return seasonIncludes(spec, rule.conditionArgs[0]);
    if (rule.condition === 'countryIncludedIn') return rule.conditionArgs.includes(;
    if (rule.condition === 'and') return rule.conditionArgs.every((arg) => isActive(arg, spec));
    throw new Error("unable to handle " + rule.condition);

I hope those three conditions give you a decent flavor of how to refactor imperative code into an adaptive model. I convert the logic one chunk at a time. If the model isn't able to handle the chunk I use a combination of extending the model (adding functions, adding the ability for function arguments) and refactoring the imperative code (replacing nested conditionals with conjunction).

The complicated bit

Here's the current state of the main recommendation function


  export default function (spec) {
    let result = [];
    result = result.concat(executeModel(spec, getModel()));
    if (spec.minDuration >= 150) {
      if (seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
        if (spec.minDuration < 350) result.push("white lightening");
        else if (spec.minDuration < 570) result.push("little master");
        else result.push("wall");
      else {
        if (spec.minDuration < 450) result.push("white lightening");
        else result.push("little master");
    return _.uniq(result);

I've folded in the initial lines into the model, so I'm now left with the large conditional. This doesn't seem to fit the production rule style so well. This doesn't mean the underlying logic doesn't fit the model, it's just that the code requires some massaging that shape becomes clear.

But there's another issue here too. This code is probing a new property of the spec - recommending a variety depending on the minimum duration that you want the potion to last (rather important for a flying potion). The conditional code is somewhat obscuring a broader pattern.

The Range Picker pattern

I often see conditional code testing a numeric value like this

  function someLogic (arg) {
    if      (arg <  5) return "low";
    else if (arg < 15) return "medium";
    else               return "high";

The core intention of the code is to return values depending on a list of ranges of values. I can represent this same logic like this:

  function logicWithPicker(arg) {
    const range = [
      [5, "low"],
      [15, "medium"],
      [Infinity, 'high']
    return pickFromRange(range, arg);
  function pickFromRange(range, value) {
    const matchIndex = range.findIndex((r) => value < r[0]);
    return range[matchIndex][1];

You'll notice this is performing the same trick that I've been describing so far in this article - moving logic into data. I've come up with a simple semantic model - a table of breakpoints and return values, together with some behavior that executes that model.

As with many logic to data changes, I wouldn't do this all the time. The simple conditional logic is easy to read, especially if formatted neatly to emphasize its tabular aspect. However if the breakpoints are open to frequent change, then representing them as data often makes it easier to update. In this case representing this logic through a range picker fits better with my overarching need to represent the logic as data.

Replacing conditionals with a Range Picker

So my first moves in refactoring this next batch of code will be to replace the minimum duration tests in the imperative code with a range picker. I'll start with the summer case.


  export default function (spec) {
    let result = [];
    result = result.concat(executeModel(spec, getModel()));
    const summerPicks = [
      [150, null],
      [350, 'white lightening'],
      [570, 'little master'],
      [Infinity, 'wall']
    if (spec.minDuration >= 150) {
      if (seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
        result.push(pickFromRange(summerPicks, spec.minDuration));
      else {
        if (spec.minDuration < 450) result.push("white lightening");
        else result.push("little master");
    return _.uniq(result);

One of the ways this section of code is awkward is that the first band of the range of minimum durations is excluded by the outer conditional. I'll want to remove that, keeping its logic within the range picker, which means I'll need a value for no recommendation. Null seems the natural choice for this, although I always wince a bit when using nulls in this situation.

Next I'll do the other case


  export default function (spec) {
    let result = [];
    result = result.concat(executeModel(spec, getModel()));
    const summerPicks = [
      [150, null],
      [350, 'white lightening'],
      [570, 'little master'],
      [Infinity, 'wall']
    const nonSummerPicks = [
      [150, null],
      [450, 'white lightening'],
      [Infinity, 'little master']
    if (spec.minDuration >= 150) {
      if (seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
        result.push(pickFromRange(summerPicks, spec.minDuration));
      else {
        result.push(pickFromRange(nonSummerPicks, spec.minDuration));
    return _.uniq(result);

Removing the outer conditional

With those done, I now want to get rid of the outer conditional.


  export default function (spec) {
    let result = [];
    result = result.concat(executeModel(spec, getModel()));
    const summerPicks = [
      [150, null],
      [350, 'white lightening'],
      [570, 'little master'],
      [Infinity, 'wall']
    const nonSummerPicks = [
      [150, null],
      [450, 'white lightening'],
      [Infinity, 'little master']
    if (spec.minDuration >= 150) {
      if (seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
        result.push(pickFromRange(summerPicks, spec.minDuration));
      else {
        result.push(pickFromRange(nonSummerPicks, spec.minDuration));
    return _.uniq(result);

But if I do this, the tests fail. There's a couple of problems here, firstly the conditional isn't just checking that the minDuration isn't less than 150, it's also checking that it's there at all - such is the annoyingly forgiving nature of many javascript operations. This implies I need to check for this value before I call the range picker function.


  export default function (spec) {
    let result = [];
    result = result.concat(executeModel(spec, getModel()));
    const summerPicks = [
      [150, null],
      [350, 'white lightening'],
      [570, 'little master'],
      [Infinity, 'wall']
    const nonSummerPicks = [
      [150, null],
      [450, 'white lightening'],
      [Infinity, 'little master']
    if (spec.minDuration >= 150) {
    if (seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
      if (spec.minDuration)
        result.push(pickFromRange(summerPicks, spec.minDuration));
    else {
      if (spec.minDuration)
        result.push(pickFromRange(nonSummerPicks, spec.minDuration));
    return _.uniq(result);

That's duplication, so I apply Extract Method.


  export default function (spec) {
    let result = [];
    result = result.concat(executeModel(spec, getModel()));
    const summerPicks = [
      [150, null],
      [350, 'white lightening'],
      [570, 'little master'],
      [Infinity, 'wall']
    const nonSummerPicks = [
      [150, null],
      [450, 'white lightening'],
      [Infinity, 'little master']
    if (seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
      result.push(pickMinDuration(spec, summerPicks))
    else {
      result.push(pickMinDuration(spec, nonSummerPicks));
    return _.uniq(result);
  function pickMinDuration(spec, range) {
    if (spec.minDuration) {
      return pickFromRange(range, spec.minDuration);

Dealing with ranges without a recommendation

However I still have a couple of tests failing, because I return a null which sits in the result set. One way to fix this is to guard the result.


  export default function (spec) {
    let result = [];
    result = result.concat(executeModel(spec, getModel()));
    const summerPicks = [
      [150, null],
      [350, 'white lightening'],
      [570, 'little master'],
      [Infinity, 'wall']
    const nonSummerPicks = [
      [150, null],
      [450, 'white lightening'],
      [Infinity, 'little master']
    if (seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
      if (pickMinDuration(spec, summerPicks))
        result.push(pickMinDuration(spec, summerPicks))
    else {
      if (pickMinDuration(spec, nonSummerPicks))
        result.push(pickMinDuration(spec, nonSummerPicks));
    return _.uniq(result);

I could argue that this would then be part of the condition for the production rule, but I don't think it really fits with the semantics of the domain to do that.

Another choice is to filter out the nulls at the end


  export default function (spec) {
    let result = [];
    result = result.concat(executeModel(spec, getModel()));
    const summerPicks = [
      [150, null],
      [350, 'white lightening'],
      [570, 'little master'],
      [Infinity, 'wall']
    const nonSummerPicks = [
      [150, null],
      [450, 'white lightening'],
      [Infinity, 'little master']
    if (seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
      result.push(pickMinDuration(spec, summerPicks))
    else {
      result.push(pickMinDuration(spec, nonSummerPicks));
    return _.uniq(result).filter((v) => null != v );

I use “!=” to catch both nulls and the undefined value that's returned by pickMinDuration when there isn't a minDuration property

While both of these work, I'm not keen on slinging nulls around like this. If there's nothing to return, I'd rather return nothing than some signal for nothing. There's a classic way to deal with this problem - rather than return a single value, return a list. Returning nothing then just means returning the empty list.


  export default function (spec) {
    let result = [];
    result = result.concat(executeModel(spec, getModel()));
    const summerPicks = [
      [150, []],
      [350, 'white lightening'],
      [570, 'little master'],
      [Infinity, 'wall']
    const nonSummerPicks = [
      [150, []],
      [450, 'white lightening'],
      [Infinity, 'little master']
    if (seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
      result = result.concat(pickMinDuration(spec, summerPicks))
    else {
      result = result.concat(pickMinDuration(spec, nonSummerPicks));
    return _.uniq(result);
  function pickMinDuration(spec, range) {
    if (spec.minDuration)
      return pickFromRange(range, spec.minDuration);
    else return []

JavaScript defines concat so that a non-array value will be added to the array.

This throws a bit of a googly at my production rule code, which will have to handle getting arrays as well as values. Fortunately that's a common problem with a common solution - the flatten function.


  function executeModel(spec, model) {
    return _.chain(model)
      .filter((r) => isActive(r, spec))
      .map((r) => r.result)

since regular es6 doesn't have flatten, I need to use underscore

Removing the else

My production rules don't have any notion of an else so I'll replace that with an inverted if.


  export default function (spec) {
    let result = [];
    result = result.concat(executeModel(spec, getModel()));
    const summerPicks = [
      [150, []],
      [350, 'white lightening'],
      [570, 'little master'],
      [Infinity, 'wall']
    const nonSummerPicks = [
      [150, []],
      [450, 'white lightening'],
      [Infinity, 'little master']
    if (seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
      result = result.concat(pickMinDuration(spec, summerPicks))
    else {
    if (!seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
      result = result.concat(pickMinDuration(spec, nonSummerPicks));
    return _.uniq(result);

Adding a result function

I've now refactored the imperative code into a shape that makes it easy to transform it into production rules. But it's still not going to be trivial to replace the imperative code with the production rule because my production rules so far expect to return simple values. This one will need to execute the pickMinDuration function. This makes it closer to the classic production rule structure, where both the condition and action are functions. A simple way to handle this is to add some processing to the engine to handle either a result function or a single result value. I'll do this in a bunch of little steps, first using Extract Method


  function executeModel(spec, model) {
    return _.chain(model)
      .filter((r) => isActive(r, spec))
      .map((r) => result(r))
  function result(r) {
    return r.result;

pickMinDuration takes the spec, so I'll have to pass that in by using Add Parameter


  function executeModel(spec, model) {
    return _.chain(model)
      .filter((r) => isActive(r, spec))
      .map((r) => result(r, spec))
  function result(r, spec) {
    return r.result;

Now I'll add the handling for a minimum duration rule. Since this is a little tricksy, I'll write a specific test for it.


  describe('min duration rule', function () {
    const range = [
      [  5,        []      ],
      [  10,       'low'   ],
      [  Infinity, 'high'  ]
    const model = [{
      condition: 'pickMinDuration', conditionArgs: [range],
      resultFunction: 'pickMinDuration', resultArgs: [range]
    const testValues = [
      [  4.9, []        ],
      [  5,   ['low']   ],
      [  9.9, ['low']   ],
      [  10,  ['high']  ]
    testValues.forEach(function (v) {
      it(`pick for duration: ${v[0]}`, function () {
          expect(executeModel({minDuration: v[0]}, model)).deep.equal(v[1]);
    it('empty spec', () => {expect(executeModel({}, model)).be.empty;})

I'll then modify the result function in the rule engine to conditionally handle either a result value or a result function and the condition test to recognize the minimum duration case.


  function executeModel(spec, model) {
    return _.chain(model)
      .filter((r) => isActive(r, spec))
      .map((r) => result(r, spec))
  function result(r, spec) {
    if (r.result) return r.result;
    else if (r.resultFunction === 'pickMinDuration')
      return pickMinDuration(spec, r.resultArgs[0])
  function isActive(rule, spec) {
    if (rule.condition === 'atNight') return spec.atNight;
    if (rule.condition === 'seasonIncludes') return seasonIncludes(spec, rule.conditionArgs[0]);
    if (rule.condition === 'countryIncludedIn') return rule.conditionArgs.includes(;
    if (rule.condition === 'and') return rule.conditionArgs.every((arg) => isActive(arg, spec));
    if (rule.condition === 'pickMinDuration') return true;
    throw new Error("unable to handle " + rule.condition);

Now all is in place, I can easily add a rule to the model and remove the first condition.


  export default function (spec) {
    let result = [];
    result = result.concat(executeModel(spec, getModel()));
    const summerPicks = [
    [150, []],
    [350, 'white lightening'],
    [570, 'little master'],
    [Infinity, 'wall']
    const nonSummerPicks = [
      [150, []],
      [450, 'white lightening'],
      [Infinity, 'little master']
    if (seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
    result = result.concat(pickMinDuration(spec, summerPicks))
    if (!seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
      result = result.concat(pickMinDuration(spec, nonSummerPicks));
    return _.uniq(result);


    {"condition": "atNight", "result": "whispering death"},
    {"condition": "seasonIncludes", "conditionArgs": ["winter"], "result": "beefy"},
      "condition": "and",
      "conditionArgs": [
        {"condition": "seasonIncludes",    "conditionArgs": ["summer"]},
        {"condition": "countryIncludedIn", "conditionArgs": ["sparta", "atlantis"]}
      "result": "white lightening"
    { "condition":"seasonIncludes",
      "conditionArgs": ["summer"],
      "resultFunction": "pickMinDuration",
      "resultArgs": [[
        [ 150,        []                  ],
        [ 350,        "white lightening"  ],
        [ 570,        "little master"     ],
        [ "Infinity", "wall"              ]

Removing the simple result value

This works fine, but I don't like how I have either a result value or a result function and the conditional handling of it. I can make things more regular by having only result functions, and have a value function that just returns its arguments.


    {"condition": "atNight", "result": "value", "resultArgs":["whispering death"]},
    {"condition": "seasonIncludes", "conditionArgs": ["winter"], "result": "value", "resultArgs":["beefy"]},
      "condition": "and",
      "conditionArgs": [
        {"condition": "seasonIncludes",    "conditionArgs": ["summer"]},
        {"condition": "countryIncludedIn", "conditionArgs": ["sparta", "atlantis"]}
      "result": "value",
      "resultArgs": ["white lightening"]
      "conditionArgs": ["summer"],
      "result": "pickMinDuration",
      "resultArgs": [[
        [ 150,        []                  ],
        [ 350,        "white lightening"  ],
        [ 570,        "little master"     ],
        [ "Infinity", "wall"              ]


  function result(r, spec) {
    if (r.result === "value") return r.resultArgs[0];
    if (r.result === 'pickMinDuration')
      return pickMinDuration(spec, r.resultArgs[0]);
    throw new Error("unknown result function: " + r.result)

This makes the model json more verbose but allows the engine to be more regular. In this situation I prefer a more regular model even if it is more verbose. I can fix the verbosity another way, which I'll talk about later.

Adding the negated condition

To get the last leg of the condition into the model I need a negation function in my model.


  function isActive(rule, spec) {
    if (rule.condition === 'atNight') return spec.atNight;
    if (rule.condition === 'seasonIncludes') return seasonIncludes(spec, rule.conditionArgs[0]);
    if (rule.condition === 'countryIncludedIn') return rule.conditionArgs.includes(;
    if (rule.condition === 'and') return rule.conditionArgs.every((arg) => isActive(arg, spec));
    if (rule.condition === 'pickMinDuration') return true;
    if (rule.condition === 'not') return !isActive(rule.conditionArgs[0], spec);
    throw new Error("unable to handle " + rule.condition);

And I can then remove the last bit of imperative logic.


  export default function (spec) {
    let result = [];
    result = result.concat(executeModel(spec, getModel()));
    const nonSummerPicks = [
    [150, []],
    [450, 'white lightening'],
    [Infinity, 'little master']
    if (!seasonIncludes(spec, "summer")) {
    result = result.concat(pickMinDuration(spec, nonSummerPicks));
    return _.uniq(result);

added to recommendationModel.json…

    "conditionArgs": [{"condition":"seasonIncludes", "conditionArgs": ["summer"]}],
    "result": "pickMinDuration",
    "resultArgs": [[
      [150,        []                  ],
      [450,        "white lightening"  ],
      ["Infinity", "little master"     ]

A model instead of code

With this all done, all the conditional logic has moved from this original imperative code


  export default function (spec) {
    let result = [];
    if (spec.atNight) result.push("whispering death");
    if (spec.seasons && spec.seasons.includes("winter")) result.push("beefy");
    if (spec.seasons && spec.seasons.includes("summer")) {
      if (["sparta", "atlantis"].includes( result.push("white lightening");
    if (spec.minDuration >= 150) {
      if (spec.seasons && spec.seasons.includes("summer")) {
        if (spec.minDuration < 350) result.push("white lightening");
        else if (spec.minDuration < 570) result.push("little master");
        else result.push("wall");
      else {
        if (spec.minDuration < 450) result.push("white lightening");
        else result.push("little master");
    return _.uniq(result);

into this json model


    {"condition": "atNight", "result": "value", "resultArgs":["whispering death"]},
    {"condition": "seasonIncludes", "conditionArgs": ["winter"], "result": "value", "resultArgs":["beefy"]},
      "condition": "and",
      "conditionArgs": [
        {"condition": "seasonIncludes",    "conditionArgs": ["summer"]},
        {"condition": "countryIncludedIn", "conditionArgs": ["sparta", "atlantis"]}
      "result": "value",
      "resultArgs": ["white lightening"]
      "conditionArgs": ["summer"],
      "result": "pickMinDuration",
      "resultArgs": [[
        [ 150,        []                  ],
        [ 350,        "white lightening"  ],
        [ 570,        "little master"     ],
        [ "Infinity", "wall"              ]
      "conditionArgs": [{"condition":"seasonIncludes", "conditionArgs": ["summer"]}],
      "result": "pickMinDuration",
      "resultArgs": [[
        [150,        []                  ],
        [450,        "white lightening"  ],
        ["Infinity", "little master"     ]

with the following engine to interpret the json model


  export default function (spec) {
    return executeModel(spec, getModel());
  function pickMinDuration(spec, range) {
    return (spec.minDuration) ? pickFromRange(range, spec.minDuration) : [];
  function countryIncludedIn(spec, anArray) {
    return anArray.includes(;
  function seasonIncludes(spec, arg) {
    return spec.seasons && spec.seasons.includes(arg);
  function executeModel(spec, model) {
    return _.chain(model)
      .filter((r) => isActive(r, spec))
      .map((r) => result(r, spec))
  function result(r, spec) {
    if (r.result === "value") return r.resultArgs[0];
    if (r.result === 'pickMinDuration')
      return pickMinDuration(spec, r.resultArgs[0]);
    throw new Error("unknown result function: " + r.result)
  function isActive(rule, spec) {
    if (rule.condition === 'atNight') return spec.atNight;
    if (rule.condition === 'seasonIncludes') return seasonIncludes(spec, rule.conditionArgs[0]);
    if (rule.condition === 'countryIncludedIn') return rule.conditionArgs.includes(;
    if (rule.condition === 'and') return rule.conditionArgs.every((arg) => isActive(arg, spec));
    if (rule.condition === 'pickMinDuration') return true;
    if (rule.condition === 'not') return !isActive(rule.conditionArgs[0], spec);
    throw new Error("unable to handle " + rule.condition);

I've done some minor cleanups over the earlier code.

What have I gained and lost? For a start the code is now a good bit bigger, the JSON model and the engine are individually larger than the original code. On its own, that's a Bad Thing. The important gain, however, is that we now have a single representation of the recommendation logic that can be interpreted on a website, IOS, Android, or any other environment that can read a JSON file. That's a considerable plus, particularly if the logic is actually larger than what I've got here - you should see the recommendation logic for invisibility potions.

There's another question here: whether the adaptive model is easier to modify than the imperative code. Although it's larger, it is more regular. With a larger set of rules, imperative code's flexibility can let it get more tangled easily, while the limited expressivity of an adaptive model can help keep logic easier to follow. Many people favor adaptive models for this reason, even if they don't have the multiple execution environment issues that we faced in Atlantis.

I should also summarize the refactoring process. Once I realize I need to replace some imperative code with an adaptive model, I first sketch out a first draft of that adaptive model - hopefully using one that's well-known. Then I take small bits of the imperative code and replace them with populating the adaptive model. If the code doesn't clearly fit the model, I'll refactor it into a shape that does fit and then move it over. If the adaptive model doesn't quite work with the current fragment of code, I'll refactor the model so it does.

In this example I replaced all the imperative code with the model, but I don't have to do that. At any point I can stop and leave some logic in the model and some in imperative code. This can be useful for edge cases that would raise the complexity of the model too much to be worth extending the model to handle. In this case we'd then accept the duplication and app-store inconveniences for those edge cases, while being able to handle the majority of rule changes through a model update.

Some further refactorings

As I've been writing this, a couple of further directions for refactoring are shouting at me. I may revisit this article to add those another day.

Reorganizing the model

As I look at the JSON model I think would prefer to reorganize its structure a tad, so that instead of

  "condition": …
  "conditionArgs": …
  "result": …
  "resultArgs": …

I'd have

  "condition": {
    "name": …
    "args": …
  "result": {
    "name": …
    "args": …

That makes the structure a bit more regular. There's some interesting refactoring here in migrating this data structure gradually.

Replace imperative dispatch with lookup

The engine currently dispatches the condition and result functions using the isActive and result functions. Essentially wiring up a case statement (of course if I were a cool functional programmer, I'd call it pattern matching). Another option is to replace the imperative code with a lookup system, where the condition seasonIncludes is matched automatically to a function via a lookup table or reflection.

Representing the model with a DSL

The JSON model reads fairly well, but the JSON syntax limits how clearly I can represent the rules. Furthermore I've deliberately preferred regularity in the model even if it makes the model more verbose than it could be. If I were managing a lot of rules, I'd be inclined to introduce a Domain-Specific Language for this, either internal (using JavaScript) or external. This could make it much easier to understand, and thus modify, the recommendation rules.

Remove primitive obsession

The code represents the concepts of cricket breeds, seasons, and countries all as strings. While this mimics how they are represented in JSON, it usually wise to make specific types for concepts like this. This clarifies the code as it is, and provides a home that can attract useful behavior.

Validating the adaptive model

At the moment I can only detect an error in the adaptive model by executing it. As models get more complex it's useful to build a validation operation that can detect that the JSON is well-formed and follows implicit syntactic rules beyond the simple structure enforced by JSON. Such rules would indicate that every clause must have a condition and a result, and that the arguments to the seasonIncludes function must be a known season.

The reverse refactoring

As with any refactoring, there is also the reverse motion: replacing an adaptive model with imperative code. This is also a worthwhile direction to go - an adaptive model may be difficult to maintain, particularly since it's a less familiar approach. I've often run into a situation where some experienced members of a team are really productive by manipulating the adaptive model, but everyone else on the team finds it very difficult to work with. In some situations, the extra productivity makes it worth living with, but sometimes there are no benefits to the adaptive model. It's common for people to get all excited with the possibilities of representing code as data when they first come across it, and consequently over-using it. That's not a problem, it's part of a natural learning process, but it is important to remove it once the team realizes they went too far.

Replacing an adaptive model with imperative code is a similar process to its inverse, in that you first set things up so you can compose the outcome of the model with imperative code, then move logic into the imperative code in small chunks, testing as you go. The big difference here is that you can, and almost always should, let the imperative code's structure mirror that of the adaptive model. Consequently there isn't any massaging of the model or code's structure that you get when moving from imperative code to model.


Andrew Slocum, Chelsea Komlo, Christian Treppo, and Hugo Corbucci commented on drafts of this essay on our internal mailing list. Jean-Noël Rouvignac pointed out some typos.

Significant Revisions

19 November 2015: Published the second and final installment

11 November 2015: Published the first part