tagged by: documentation

The Almighty Thud

Why you shouldn't write a lot of documentation.

Podcast on Agility and Architecture

Ryan Lockard (Agile Uprising) invited me to join Rebecca Wirfs-Brock for a podcast conversation on architecture on agile projects. Rebecca developed Responsibility-Driven Design, which was a big influence for me when I started my career. We talked about how we define architecture, the impact of tests on architecture, the role of domain models, what kind of documentation to prepare, and how much architecture needs to be done up-front.

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Ryan Lockard, and Martin Fowler

15 May 2017

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agile interviews application architecture documentation podcast

Code As Documentation

One of the common elements of agile methods is that they raise programming to a central role in software development - one much greater than the software engineering community usually does. Part of this is classifying the code as a major, if not the primary documentation of a software system.

by Martin Fowler

22 Mar 2005

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agile documentation

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