tagged by: interviews

Engineering Room Conversation with Dave Farley

My old colleague Dave Farley has been running an increasingly popular YouTube channel on software development. It's good material, very much in line with my own views, after all his experience is a big influence on my thinking. We talk about a range of topics about the current role of software engineering, focusing particularly on the three large-scale writing projects I'm supporting at the moment: Data Mesh, Patterns of Distributed Systems, and Patterns of Legacy Displacement.

by Dave Farley and Martin Fowler

5 Dec 2021



interviews data analytics legacy modernization

Interview with Sam Newman about Microservices

goto conferences asked me to do an interview with Sam Newman on his book: “Monoliths to Microservices”. This turned into a general conversation about microservices and when to use them. Sam considers the three main reasons for them to be independent deployability, isolation of data, and reflecting the organizational structure. I'm more skeptical of the first, but consider data and people to be complicated parts of software development.

by Martin Fowler

4 Sep 2020



interviews microservices

Agile Book Club: Refactoring

James Shore's Art of Agile Development is my favorite single-volume book on agile software development. A reason for that is its serious emphasis on the technical practices that are essential to making it work effectively. James and I discuss the role of refactoring for software development, the nature of design changes we see, and how to break down big changes into small pieces.

James Shore and Martin Fowler

28 Apr 2022



interviews refactoring

Software Architecture Hour with Neal Ford: The Future of Software

Neal and I discuss the interplay between the patterns and practices that drive good software architecture.

Neal Ford and Martin Fowler

1 Jan 2022




Recollections of Writing the Agile Manifesto

The Agile Uprising podcast has been doing a series of interviews with the authors of the Agile Manifesto. This is my turn in the interview seat. I don't remember much about the Snowbird workshop itself, but I was able to describe a bit about the context leading up to the manifesto.

Agile Uprising and Martin Fowler

13 Feb 2017

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agile interviews podcast computer history

Podcast on Agility and Architecture

Ryan Lockard (Agile Uprising) invited me to join Rebecca Wirfs-Brock for a podcast conversation on architecture on agile projects. Rebecca developed Responsibility-Driven Design, which was a big influence for me when I started my career. We talked about how we define architecture, the impact of tests on architecture, the role of domain models, what kind of documentation to prepare, and how much architecture needs to be done up-front.

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Ryan Lockard, and Martin Fowler

15 May 2017

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agile interviews application architecture documentation podcast

Agile Brazil Interview

Interview with Paulo Caroli and me at Agile Brazil

Paulo Caroli and Martin Fowler

Jun 2010



agile interviews

DSL interview with Neal Ford and Jeffery Snover (JAOO 2008)

A Microsoft Channel 9 interview of me, my colleague Neal Ford, and Jeffery Snover (creator of PowerShell). The general topic is that of DSLs - Neal and I had just finished a tutorial on the topic at JAOO 2008 and had some good conversations with Jeffery.

Neal Ford, Martin Fowler and Jeffry Snover

Oct 2008



interviews domain specific language

Perspectives on DSLs with Chris Sells

When I attended DSL DevCon, Microsoft's Channel 9 dragged me off to be interviewed by Chris Sells.

Martin Fowler and Chris Sells

Apr 2009



interviews domain specific language

Interview with Artima.com

I was interviewed by Bill Venners for his artima.com web site. In the interview I touch upon refactoring, evolutionary design, flexibility, and test driven development. Bill even manages to make me sound coherent.

by Martin Fowler

9 Dec 2002

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design interviews

InfoQ Interview with Jez and me on Continuous Delivery

An interview with Jez Humble and me at QCon San Francisco in 2010

Martin Fowler and Jez Humble

Nov 2010



continuous delivery interviews

Agile at 10

SD Times interview on 10 years since the agile manifesto

by Martin Fowler

3 May 2011

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agile interviews

Interviewed by Jim Highsmith

When I went to Snowbird in 2001 for the meeting that led to the Manifesto, Jim interviewed me for a book he was working on. It provides a snapshot on my thinking on extreme programming and this thing that a few days later we called agile software development.

by Martin Fowler

Feb 2001

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agile interviews extreme programming

SE Radio Podcast on Domain-Specific Languages

I'm joined by Thoughtworks CTO Rebecca Parsons, who was a contributer to the DSL book, to talk with Markus Völter about DSLs. We talk about what DSLs are, the differences between internal and external DSLs, and when you should (and shouldn't use DSLs).

Rebecca Parsons, Martin Fowler, and Markus Völter

26 Jan 2012

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language workbench interviews domain specific language podcast

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