tagged by: website

2024 Analysis of Traffic to martinfowler.com

Although I do keep an eye on traffic to the site, especially with newly published articles, it's been a while since I've done a proper overview of the traffic to martinfowler.com. (The previous ones were in 2014 and 2018.) So in between my editing work, I've spent some time looking through the traffic data. Currently this page summarizes what I've understood so far, but I'll be adding more sections as I probe further.

by Martin Fowler

21 Mar 2024

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Site Report for 2018

At the start of 2019, it seems like a good idea to review the state of martinfowler.com. I did a brief review of the site back in 2014, so it's well past time to take another look at the traffic it generates.

by Martin Fowler

10 Jul 2019

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Status Report for martinfowler.com at the end 2014

Running the martinfowler.com site is a large part of my job at Thoughtworks. Traditionally it has got more traffic than our main site, although that is happily set to change as our main site improves. My site is a vehicle for us to influence the industry as part of our pillar 2 work.

by Martin Fowler

28 Jan 2015

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Rss Feeds

I have a couple of feeds for those who like to use them. Although I've used the term RSS Feed here, they are actually Atom feeds.

by Martin Fowler

11 Mar 2005

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What Isa Bliki

I've been watching the blog scene develop for a while, and it's impossible to not want to join in. But there are things I'm not so keen about blogs. For a start the name, as my colleague Mike Two puts it, “blog sounds like something I should pay a physician to remove”. Beyond the name, however, there's the very ephemeral nature of blog postings. Short bursts of writing that might be interesting when they are read - but quickly age. I find writing too hard to want to spend it on things that disappear.

by Martin Fowler

26 May 2003

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